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We’ve all seen the letters, “LOL,” online. It means, Laughing Out Loud and it’s usually followed by three or more exclamation marks-- “LOL!!!!!!” LOL has become part of our culture, but few people know the inventor of this abbreviation. His name is Brian Lanahan, and one day in 1996 he received an email from his friend Charlie O’Shea. It was a cartoon Charlie had sent to Brian and 472 others on his email list. The email was a cartoon of Capt. Crunch blowing Col. Sanders with the caption, “Don’t ask, don’t tell.” Brian was already late for a dental appointment, so he replied back with the simple reply of: “LOL!!!” Charlie replied back with, “What the fuck?” Brian wrote back and explained the LOL abbreviation and closed the letter with, “So I hope that clears up your WTF question.” Charlie was impressed and started to use the abbreviations himself in his daily gang emails. Soon everyone on Charlie’s list started using them and it spread like wildfire across this dumbed-down country of ours.

I recently interviewed Lanahan via email (he’s averse to meeting or speaking in person or on the phone and prefers to type his emails from his darkened bedroom in his parents house where he’s lived for the last 42 years). So now, acknowledged for the first time as the inventor of “LOL!!!” I give you, my interview with Brian Lanahan. Woo hoo!


Marty: How are you today Brian?

Brian: DIKU???

Marty: No, you don’t know me, Brian, I’m just here to interview you.

Brian: LOL!!!

Marty: What’s so funny about me interviewing you?

Brian: LMAO!!!!!!

Marty: I’m glad you’re having a good time, but so far I really haven’t said anything funny, Brian.

Brian: SIS!!!!

Marty: Well, I don’t get why you’re even snickering in silence, but I’ll ask the first question. Brian, you invented the abbreviations, LOL and WTF and they’ve gone on to become part of our American culture, yet up till now you’ve received no credit. What do you say about that? Are you bitter about the lack of acknowledgement?

Brian: PTMM!!!!!!

Marty: Well...there’s nothing more for me to tell you, Brian, I just asked you a question, do you have an answer for it?

Brian: LOL!!!!!

Marty: That’s not an answer and I don’t understand what the fuck you’re laughing about. Are you high on something?

Brian: LMAO!!!!!!!!!

Marty: (angrily) I’m not joking here. You’re either high or retarded, or maybe both. I mean, it’s like you’re incapable of answering a question.

Brian: ROTFL!!!!!!!!

Marty: So now you’re rolling on the floor laughing, well good for you Brian. So far, from the tone of this interview it sounds like you’re rolling joints down there too.

Brian: LOL!!!!!!

Marty: Can you even spell Brian, or string together a simple sentence? Here, let’s try something. You type in the following sentence, you can even cut and paste it: “My name is Brian.” Okay, now let’s see you type that in.

Brian: ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Marty: And what’s with all the fucking exclamation marks Brian? God, do you know how annoying that is?

Brian. LOL!!

Marty: Two is still one too many. One exclamation mark is more than enough. Have you ever considered just using a period, like a normal person?

Brian: RUOK?????

Marty: I was okay before this stupid-ass interview, but you’re giving me a major headache. I mean, you’re such a stupid motherfucker! And see, I only used one exclamation mark there and that was more than enough to convey my emotion.

Brian: SSIF!!!!!!

Marty: No, you’re not so stupid it’s funny, you’re so stupid it’s pathetic.

Brian: PTXXZNJJK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Marty: Now those letters don’t even stand for anything. You’re just typing in random capital letters with a bunch of exclamation marks following them. This is just beyond pathetic, Brian. You are really the biggest moron I’ve ever witnessed. Sheesh!

Brian: LOL!!!!!!!!!

Marty: FU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Reader Comments (3)

LOL!!!!!! MOTHAFUCKA!!!!!!!

May 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMarty (Louisville)

i say we take charlie out back and kick his ass.

May 17, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbiff


(laugh)! Funny Interview! Laughing My Ass Off! Brian Is A Motherfucker!

August 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZioum Zioum The Chainsaw

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